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Handbook Information & Policies


The mission of Richfield High School, in partnership with community and students, is to prepare students to become caring, skilled, productive, and adaptable citizens.


This handbook has been prepared for your use and information.  Students are subject to all rules and regulations from the time they board the bus or arrive on the campus and continue throughout the school day. The same rules and regulations, both on and off campus, govern students representing the school in any activity. The student policies and procedures can be found on the school website. Student/Parent Handbook



Richfield High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:

Brent Gubler

Richfield High School Principal

495 West Center

Richfield, UT  84701


For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit:

http://wdcrobcolp01.ed.gov/CFAPPS/OCR/contactus.cfm for the address and phone number of the office that serves our area, or call 1-800-421-3481.


Richfield High School Website

A local Richfield High School Website has been provided for our school community.  It includes a calendar of events, monthly newsletter, notes from the administration, links to teacher websites, links to club, sports, extra-curricular information.

The website is http://www.richfieldhigh.org/ .



Canvas is an online grading and attendance program or school is using.  All of our teachers are using Canvas as a way of corresponding with students and parents.  Your student will have your login information and how to access Canvas on the school website.  Please check canvas often to keep upto date with your students’ grades and attendance.



These fees are charged to all students:

All students have an activity fee $35, textbook fee$15, technology $15, writing lab $10, media $5 for a total of $80.00. Individual class fees will be billed during each semester.  Senior Fee for Seniors $25.00.



  • Any student who has outstanding school fees over $300 will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities until their account is resolved.
  • SENIORS will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if account is not paid in  full.



FEE WAIVER requests must be received in the school year that the fees are applicable for and assessed no later than October 31 of each school year.  There is no ability to request a fee waiver for prior year’s fees.  All accounts must be paid in FULL in order to walk at graduation.


A free or reduced lunch application was mailed to you.  Completed forms should be mailed to the Sevier School District Office at 180 East 600 North, Richfield, UT  84701.



Guidelines can be found on the school website:


Schedule Changes

Once a student is registered, it is imperative that ONLY the counselor or the principal alter the schedule.  The only way a schedule will be changed, once a semester has begun, is by teacher recommendation (no fee assessed), addition of a college course or by parent request and payment of a $10.00 fee for each class changed.  Each schedule change will be considered on the individual merits of need.  Desire to switch to a more preferred teacher, or to be in classes with friends are NOT considered valid reasons for schedule changes.  No student will be allowed to drop from a course after nine days into the semester.


Student Check-Out Procedure

Clearing students that are absent from school.  The student must bring a note or have parents call the school attendance line prior to or before returning to school after an absence.  (Parents may opt in to the automated phone system by providing phone numbers and email address to the school. Please contact the school for further information). If contact is not made within 24 hours of absence the student will be marked truant and restitution will be assessed.


Leaving School

Students who need to leave school during the school day must check out in the main office prior to leaving campu.  They will need a note from their parent or a prior phone message to clear such absences.  Excuses sent after the fact will not be accepted.  Failure to check out with office equals a truancy.


Attendance Policy (Summary)

Few factors will have greater influence on a student’s educational success than punctuality and regular school attendance.  Therefore the following guidelines will be followed at Richfield High School.


ABSENCE: any time a student misses more than twenty minutes of class.

TARDY: any time a student enters the classroom after the bell (Students should be at their seat or station when the bell rings).

TRUANCY, when a student is absent from school and a parent does not notify  the school.  When a student leaves campus without checking out with the office.  Any time a student misses any part of class without proper authorization from the teacher or school officials.


Tardy:  The Sixth tardy in a single class during the semester will result in restitution.  Every additional tardy will result in an additional ½ hour of restitution time. 

Truancy:  Truancy may result in restitution and/or referrals to Youth Court and Juvenile Court.  The equivalent of 5 unexcused absences in a class during the same semester will result in restitution.  1-hour for every unexcused absence over four in any one period.  Excessive absences may result in a student being sent to Juvenile Justice Youth Services (JJYS) for remediation and referred to Youth Court and/or Juvenile Court.

Restitution: Any balance of restitution may prevent a student from participating in extracurricular activities, and seniors will not be allowed to walk at graduation with any balance of restitution.

Student Check-out Procedure

Students who need to leave school during the school day must check out in the main office prior to leaving campus.  They will need a phone call/message to the school to clear such absences within a 24 hour period.   Failure to check out with the office equals a truancy and restitution will be assessed. The student will not be able to leave their class unless they are called out from the office.

Cat Time Policy

We will be having intervention time Monday through Thursday from 2:45 to 3:05 PM.  This is still in-school time.  School is not out until 3:05 PM.  If students are requested to be in an intervention/enrichment class and do not attend, it will be considered a truancy.  ½ hour of restitution will be assessed  for every day a student is truant for cat time.


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS    (Summary)               


The State Office of Education has established standards for secondary education which include the identification and mastery of core curriculum.


 Subject                   9th – 12th Grade

English/Lang. Art                4.0

Math                         3.0

Science                    3.0

Computer Studies              .5

Social Science                3.0

Arts                        1.5

Healthy Life-Styles            2.0

Vocational Education            1.0

Financial Literacy               .5

Required Credits            18.5

Class of 2017    Electives  11.5         Total Credits 30

Class of 2018    Electives  14.5         Total Credits 33

Class of 2019    Electives  14.5         Total Credits 33

Class of 2020    Electives  14.5         Total Credits 33


Grades and Grading

Teachers will grade on an A, B, C, D, F system (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F). Teachers and/or Departments may determine the percent value for each grade.

Graduation Exercises

Student participation in graduation ceremonies at RHS is considered a privilege not a right. Seniors must have all fees paid and a completed check out form to walk.  All class work must be completed no later than the day of senior check out.

In order to maintain dignity and decorum at high school commencements, students participating in commencement exercises are subject to the dress and grooming standards articulated in section C of district policy and wear the prescribed cap and gown *during the ceremony without additional ornamentation or decoration.  Personal items such as clothing, accessories or jewelry that draw undue attention or detract from the dignity and decorum of the occasion shall not be allowed.  Mantles, cords, insignias or medals signifying achievement, honor or recognition are restricted to awards issued and approved for display at graduation by the local high school.

Honor Roll

The academic honor rolls recognize students who demonstrate outstanding academic efforts and citizenship.  Eligibility criteria for each honor roll is listed below:

High Honor Roll: GPA of 3.7 or higher, no F’s, I’s, NG’s or U’s

Honor Roll: GPA of 3.5 to 3.699, no F’s, I’s, NG’s or U’s

Citizenship marks must be H or S.  All restitution must be completed by the end of the semester.


Home-bound Students

Students who will miss more than two weeks due to medical situations and who need the assistance of a homebound teacher will be provided such upon request made by the parent to the Assistant Principal or the Principal.  Arrangements for long term illness lasting more than two weeks must be made through the principal.


Homeroom Advisory

All students have a homeroom advisor to work with them as a mentor during their time at Richfield High School.  Students are assigned to homeroom groups  Homeroom classes meet through the year.  It is important for them to use their advisors as helpful resources in answering questions and solving problems.


Interscholastic Competition

Qualifications to Participate in Athletics and other Activities Sponsored by the Utah High School Activities Association UHSAA Policy: To be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition, an individual must be a full time student in the school he/she wishes to represent.  No student shall be eligible to represent his or her school if he or she has failed more than one subject during the previous grading period.  A GPA of 2.0 must be earned in the previous grading period.  (Incomplete grades (i) and (NG) are considered failing until made up.


School Policy: Each mid semester (benchmark) a grade check will be conducted.  Those students involved with extracurricular activities, i.e. interscholastic competitions will need to be in compliance with Utah High School Activities Association policy.  Those individual not in compliance will not be able to participate until the end of the next semester.  Coaches, advisors, teachers, and administration will work closely with the individual to assist them in meeting the criteria.


Scholastic Dishonesty

CHEATING, copying from another student’s work, use of cell phone during test, using material during a test that is not authorized, collaborating with another student without authority, knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an unadministered test, substituting for another student or permitting another student to substitute for one’s self, to take a test, or bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

PLAGIARISM, use of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work into one’s own written work for credit.

COLLUSION, the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.



Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the school curriculum and are designed to be educational as well as entertaining experiences.  They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience behavior.  Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the STUDENT BODY be respectful and appreciative.  Yelling, screaming, whistling, catcalls, etc. are appropriate only at pep assemblies in the gymnasium.  Those who show inappropriate behavior will be removed from the assembly.  Students are required to attend assemblies as part of a required attendance for class.


Faculty Lounge and Workroom

The faculty lounge and workroom are off limits to ALL students including TA’s and faculty members’ children.  This is a place of business where highly confidential phone and written communication transactions are being conducted; therefore, to protect the privacy of faculty and students alike, students are not to be in the faculty lounge with or without faculty present.

Food and Drink in School

Food or drinks will only be allowed in the cafeteria. Water will be allowed in classrooms with teacher’s permission.  The water must be in a clear water bottle.  No mugs allowed.

Grievance Procedure

If a student or parent has a concern about a school policy, employee, or action, the following procedure should be followed in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible:

  1. Contact the person with whom you have a complaint to discuss both sides of the story.
  2. If the problem still exists, contact the principal to facilitate problem-solving steps.
  3. If still unresolved, contact the assistant superintendent.
  4. If still unresolved, ask the superintendent, in writing, to place the complaint on the following month’s Board of Education agenda for further discussion.



The purpose of the Internet is to facilitate communications in support of research and education, by providing access to unique resources and an opportunity for collaborative work.  To remain eligible as a user, the use of your account must be in support of and consistent with the educational objectives of the District.  Access to Internet is made possible through an appropriate provider to be designated by Sevier School District at its sole discretion.  Sevier School District and all users of the Internet must comply with existing rules which are available on the district website. All students and parents must electronically sign the Acceptable Use Policy found on the district website before they will be given access to the Internet.

Language and Courtesy
  1.  “Please” and  “Thank you” are spoken here.
  2.  “Foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language” is not appropriate and students involved with such language could be suspended.  In case of the “F-Bomb”, violators will be suspended.
  • Each Offense: suspended one day (in-school suspension)
  1.  All staff members will be spoken to and referred to by using their

proper title:  Mrs., Mr., Miss, and Coach.

  1.  Excessive public displays of affection are not

acceptable.  Holding hands is the limit. No Kissing, No Hugging, etc.


Locker Policy

Each student will have the use of an assigned hall locker and a PE locker (if the student is enrolled in a PE class or a competitive sport.) Lockers are the property of the Sevier School District and will be subject to search at any time.  There is the expectation that the locker will be clean and orderly.  Damaging of painted surfaces on either side of the door is not permitted.  Any material found in a locker is considered in the possession of the student to whom the locker is assigned.  Students should not share lockers.

The school is not responsible for theft. Students will need to bring their own locks, as there are no locks on hall lockers. RHS reserves the right to cut off a lock if necessary.


Physical or Verbal Assaults

Physical or verbal violence is not tolerated at our school.  Students who have participated in a physical assault on another person will be referred to the police and suspended from school.  If physical injury to another is caused, the perpetrator may be recommended for permanent expulsion from the schools in Sevier County.  Verbal threats or assaults will be considered criminal acts as well and will be dealt with appropriately.


Respect for School Property

Sevier School District makes a great effort to provide students with school materials and equipment to help make the school experience enjoyable and profitable to the learner.  Students are asked to show respect for the school and school property by not marking desks, tables, seats, walls, etc.  Textbooks should be cared for in a responsible manner and not written in or defaced in any manner.  Classroom care is a shared responsibility between teacher and student.  Desks and floors shall be kept clean.  Students damaging school property will pay for damages.



  1.  Be courteous to opponents, fans, and cheerleaders.
  2.  Be representative in your behavior toward everyone present.
  3.  Respect and abide by officials decision.
  4.  Exercise self-control at all times; never taunt or boo an official, coach,

cheerleader, or player.

  1.  Display character in your every action.
  2.  Learn to win with Character and lose with Dignity.
  3.  Display appreciation for a good performance or play regardless

of the team.

  1.  Participation and attendance at extracurricular activities is a privilege.


Student Identification Card

Students will be issued a photo identification card.  This card must be shown at all dances and games as evidence of membership before a student will be allowed to participate at the student rate. Failure to show student I.D. will require payment of adult admission charge to any school event.


Student Insurance

Student Insurance can be purchased by parents for any high school student.  Insurance forms are available at the beginning of every year.  There are several coverage plans to chose from and the price varies from plan to plan.


Student Telephone & Messages

Use of the student telephone at the office is authorized for checking out or clearing after school conflicts when parents could not have been informed prior to school time. The office will take phone messages for parents needing to communicate with students but will not interrupt classes for their delivery unless it is an emergency.  We’ll do the best we can but there are no guarantees when delivering messages to students!  Please try to remind students of appointment, work schedules etc., before school.


Student Transportation

Students must be transported in school-approved transportation to be eligible to participate in the school activity if provided. Parent drivers must have a district approved background check and provide evidence of current and valid driver’s license and insurance.  Students may not be taken off a bus by anyone other than a parent personally without the principal’s prior approval.  



District policy prohibits students visiting other school campuses during the school day.  In keeping with this policy, the high school does not allow visitors to attend classes or any part of the school day with students.  School is a place of business for students and faculty alike and allowing outside visitors to attend classes may disrupt the learning process.  Visitors to our school must check in at the main office where the office staff will assist them.  Visitors are NEVER to go to a classroom and disrupt the class. Visitors who are in the school and who have not been cleared through the office and approved will be viewed as trespassers. Any student in the hall during class must have a Hall Pass.



Sevier School district board of education has adopted a fundraising policy that prohibits and restrict door-to-door selling or solicitation for the purpose of fundraising.  All fundraising ventures must be sponsored by a school organization and be supervised by a faculty member.  All fundraising will be pre-approved through the principal and will conform to the district policy.





COMMUNICATION DEVICES        Policy #3205 Summary



While in some instances the possession of electronic devices or other devices or objects by a student at a school may be appropriate, often the possession and use of such devices or objects by students at school can have the effect of distracting, disrupting and intimidating others in the school setting and leading to opportunities for academic dishonesty and other disruptions of the educational process. These types of devices are frequently lost or stolen. Richfield High is not responsible for the security and safekeeping of these items and is not financially responsible for any damage, destruction, or loss of electronic devices. In order to maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, and to promote respect and courtesy regarding the use of electronic devices, Sevier School District hereby establishes the following rules and regulations governing student use of electronic devices and procedures to address student misuse of electronic devices.



“Electronic devices” include, but are not limited to, cell phones, camera phones, Mp3 players, iPods, personal digital assistants (PDAs), compact disc players, portable game consoles, cameras, digital scanners, two-way radios, video broadcasting devices, pagers, and any other device that allows a person to record and/or transmit, on either a real time or delayed basis, sound, video, or still images, text, or other information.


Electronic communication devices and cameras may not be possessed, activated or utilized at any time in any situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists. These locations and circumstances include but are not limited to locker rooms, shower rooms, restrooms and any other areas where students or others may change clothes or be in any stage of disrobing or changing clothes.

At no time, may any electronic communication device or camera be utilized by any student in a way which might reasonably create in the mind of another person an impression of being threatened, humiliated, harassed, embarrassed or intimidated.

Electronic devices are banned from being used or seen when classes are in session.




For each observed violation of this policy, it shall be the duty of the schoolteacher or administrator observing the violation to immediately confiscate the interfering device. Furthermore, the school may take additional disciplinary action as described more generally in district policies. The confiscated device shall be forwarded to the office together with the name of the person from whom the device is confiscated.


First Violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The first violation and all subsequent violations shall be logged in the office.

Second Violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The parent or guardian and only they can pick up the device. It will remain in the office until the parent or guardian can pick it up.

Third Violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian.

Fourth Violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian. A parent conference will be scheduled to discuss pre-habitual disruptive behavior.

Fifth Violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian. The student will be referred to juvenile court and charged as habitually disruptive.


    School Dress and Grooming Policy #303- Summary

Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.

  1. Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed. Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive.
  2. Items which bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission shall not be allowed.
  3. All students shall wear clean clothing. Clothing, jewelry, accessories and piercings which are so conspicuous, extreme, or odd that they may draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt, interfere with or pose a health or safety issue to the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed.
  4. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., shorts, mini skirts, bare midriffs, halter tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, back, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated
  5. Hats or headgear of any kind are not allowed within the building except as part of an approved activity, or for religious, or medical purposes.
  6. Shoes shall be worn at all times that ensure personal safety and hygiene.
  7. Gang-related clothing, colors, and paraphernalia shall not be allowed in schools or activities. School officials will determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consultation with law enforcement agencies as needed according to the guidelines set forth in Policy 3075 A – Gangs, Gangs Participation, Weapons Possession.
  8. Military clothing or insignias which are part of the official uniform of the U.S. Armed Forces are not to be worn except where authorized by law. (Wearing of the military uniform is regulated by provisions of Title 10, USC § 771-772, and Army Regulation 670-1 § 29-4).
  9. School officials may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health or safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities.
  10. All students shall maintain their hair, mustaches, sideburns, and beards in a clean, well-groomed manner. Hair which is so conspicuous, extreme, or odd in color or style that draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed. Hair must be a natural hair color to remain in school.
  11. Body piercing or tattoos that would interrupt school decorum or adversely affect the educational process must be covered or removed. Students will be allowed to only have piercings in their ears while at school.



If you will listen we will tell you

Of the school we’ve come to love,

The school that’s way above.

Above the rivals of her lofty throne,

Forever more her glories will be known,

R-I-C-H-F-I-E-L-D R.H.S. red and blue,

Alma Mater, here’s our pledge to you.

We are proud of your name

And we’ll cheer as you rise to fame.


One and all we’ll recall

That we’ll never let her standards fall

For we’re proud as we can be